Vegetable sauce is a nutritious sauce made from vegetable, carrot and different type of pepper. It can be eaten with white rice, spaghettis, boiled yam and so on. Vegetable sauce is very rich in vitamins and nutrients. It is a must try recipe and you’ll definitely enjoy it.
Vegetable Sauce Recipe
Below are the ingredients you will be needing to prepare Vegetable Sauce:
- 10 Big size of carrots
- 5 medium size of green pepper
- 5 medium size of red pepper
- 4 pcs of yellow pepper ( habanero pepper)
- Garlic
- 1 Tin of sardine
- 3 Hand full of diced spring onions
- 2 Serchet tomatoes
- Assorted meat
- Seasoning cube
- Salt
- 2 cooking spoon of Vegetable oil
- 2 medium size of onions
- 15 pcs of Green beans
- Wash your Assorted meats and season it with seasoning cube and salt with onions, cook it and set aside
- Wash all the vegetables
- Cut the carrots into cubes and set aside
- Cut the green pepper and set aside
- Cut the red pepper and set aside
- Cut the spring onions
- Chup the garlic and set aside
- Dice the onions and set aside
- Open your serchet tomatoes and set aside
- Chup the yellow paper and set aside
- Once you are done with the prepping
- Put pot on fire
- Add vegetable oil
- Add the diced onions
- Add the chuped garlic
- Add the tomorrow paste
- Stir it and allow it to fry for 2 minutes
- Add the Assorted meat and the stock water
- Allow it to fry for 1 minute
- Add the carrots, and stir it
- Allow it to boil
- Add the green beans, and stir
- Add the green pepper
- Add the red pepper and yellow pepper
- Stir it very well
- Allow it to boil
- Add seasoning cube to taste
- Salt to taste
- Add the sardine, and stir
- Allow it to boil for 1 minute
And your sauce is ready!